Dead Bird Inc.



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      Dead Bird, the recyclable soft tops from Winterthur, made with love

      1 product

      Dead Bird Inc.
      Well, we have to admit that the Dead Bird Crew started out as a little joke and maybe got a little out of hand.

      But make no mistake, there is much more to come!

      Yes, that's a wild name!

      But there is more to it than just a fancy brand name, so let's tell the story behind the name Dead Bird, the idea and the philosophy that comes with it.

      It all started many years ago on a surfing trip looking for empty waves and undiscovered breaks. We were lucky enough to find one of these rare treasures and stayed there for a long time. The only company we had in this lonely place were the dead birds washed up on the beach.

      At first we made fun of the morbid situation and called ourselves the "Dead Bird Crew". After a while, this got us thinking and we got to the bottom of it and researched the situation.

      It turned out that a certain wind and sea conditions in this area led to an enormous concentration of microplastics. The birds cannot distinguish between
      distinguish between food and garbage, so they eat plastic until their stomachs are full.
      full. In the end, the birds starve. Of course, there are many more details about this phenomenon, but that is a topic for another day.

      Like every other surf trip, this one unfortunately has an inevitable end. But two things stuck in our minds and led us to where we are now.

      1. the name Dead Bird. Let's be honest, it just has a
      It became a running joke and we called our little
      Group of skate friends the Dead Bird Crew.

      2. We started thinking about what we as individuals could do to make surfing more sustainable. Well, a classic surfboard is of course not really a
      environmentally friendly product. In fact, it is more of a mix of toxic materials coated with synthetic resin. But how could we change that...

      As long-time soft-top surfboard enthusiasts, the answer was already right under our
      feet. We always dreamed and joked about having our own foam brand and suddenly
      we had serious motivation behind it.

      A soft top board can be made without synthetic resin. The different materials and layers are simply glued together and can therefore be separated again. In our minds we had already thought through everything. Simply use recyclable materials, glue them together, separate them again and

      Oh, we were wrong and naive... there is much more to it than we ever imagined.

      But we did it! Our fully recyclable surfboards are now on the market!