Nouvague Nouvague has been committed to surf culture for years and brings us exciting surf films with its surf film night. The focus is not on mainstream films, but rather on real exciting stories about surfing. Since around 2010 they have been bringing a film highlight to your local cinema every quarter; The films are now being shown in over 40 cinemas in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Surf Zurich
The parties are as legendary as the organizer is big. Rikard is the creator and promoter of the surf parties in Zurich. If the frequency of surfing parties isn't enough for you, definitely google Sweden parties. Otherwise, Surfzurich organizes a surf fair every year at different locations.
The Urbansurf team ensures that we can actually surf here in Zurich. Once again they are delighting us throughout the summer with the Citywelle at the Geroldsareal. Whether for surfing or just relaxing, the location is “the place to be” in Zurich every summer.
The Oana team has been running the first indoor river wave in Switzerland since 2018. Surf all year round in Caribbean flair; Who would have ever expected that something like this would be possible in Switzerland? In addition to the surfing offering, you will also find a high-quality culinary offering in the event hall of the Mall of Switzerland.
Waveup The Waveup association has been tirelessly campaigning for an artificial wave system in the style of Wavegarden in Switzerland for years. There is no question how much joy we would have if the Wavepool came into being and we keep our fingers crossed for you.
Surfwise Travel
Organizes exceptional surf trips. Basically, a surf trip to the best possible place is planned at any time of the year. Organizing a surfing trip has never been so easy.
Swiss thing doc
Claude ("Cloth") is our trusted Ding Doc. Reliable and known for professional repairs in the region. Actually our only address for board repairs of all kinds - it always turns out well and the orders are carried out quickly.
Provide the slide
Chris Klein is a warm-hearted do-gooder and collects used surfboards and surfing equipment for surfers in West African countries with his NGO Provide the Slide. Instead of letting your old board rot in the basement, you can give it a second life and donate it to PTS. Surfari is the official collection point and we are happy to accept your material.