Pamela Wengi

Name : Pamela Wengi ('Pam')

Vintage: 1995

Profession: Saleswoman, bartender, toddler educator

Hobbies: Surfing, climbing, dancing salsa, drinking wine and spending fun moments with friends

Home spot: Urbansurf, Zurich

Fav. Destinations: Never to the same place :-)

Love: Chocolate, Wii, family & friends, surfboard, languages

Hate: Broken surfboard, injuries, licorice

Stance: Goofy

Board sports: Ocean, wave pool, snowboard


Swiss Wavepool Championship 2021, 2nd

Zurich Masters, 2nd 2020

Swiss Wavepool Championship, 5th 2020

Wavemasters Düsseldorf 2020, 6th

Citywave pro World Tour Saint-Gilles-Croix-De-Vie 2020, 4th

Wavemasters Düsseldorf 2019, 5th

Citywave pro World Tour Vienna 2019

Swiss Wavepool Championship 2018, 6th

Other sponsors/supporters:

Surfari, Urbansurf, Roxy

Interview with Pamela Wengi

How did you become passionate about surfing?

As a child, I went on vacation every year with my family to northern Spain, where I watched the surfers all day long. When I came of age, I bought a car so I could drive to France. In the summer the time had finally come and I attended my first surf camp in Vieux-Boucau-les-Bains. I immediately fell in love with the sport and since then my entire life has revolved around surfing.

How long have you been surfing?

summer 2013

What fascinates you about surfing/why do you do it?

I forget everything around me, I'm just happy :-). It's like therapy for me and surfing accompanies me on every trip.

You can only choose one place to surf for the rest of your life. Which place would that be and why?

There are so many incredibly beautiful places in this world... and I've only seen a tiny part of them... So I have to travel for a while before I can answer this question ;-)

What or who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to surfing?

I am surrounded by many great people who inspire me. Regardless of level, the people who inspire me the most are those who can turn their head off and just enjoy it.

Which boards do you prefer for surfing?

I love the Semente Hot Sauce 5'4 in the pool and the Semente Puddle 5'5 in the sea. But basically I find everything funny that can somehow be surfed ;-)

How does it feel to be a Surfari team rider?

JUDIHUDI! Super cool :-) Thanks for the support!

 Can we talk about a surfing scene in Switzerland?

In any case! In recent years you have almost been able to see how the surfing scene in Switzerland is growing.

What has been your biggest surfing challenge so far?

Ugh, there are a lot of them haha ​​:-) For example, on my last surf trip I underestimated how quickly the water level was decreasing and kissed the reef. Every now and then you have to learn certain things the hard way ;-)

What is your favorite surfing adventure?

I love going surfing in the evenings at sunset! A turtle once appeared next to me in Sri Lanka - that was certainly unforgettable!

Is there a surf culture for you? If so, how would you describe them?

Clear! Some live with fashion, others live the 'lifestyle', some go away once a year for a long time,... In the end, there are countless ways in which you can live 'your' surf culture and express yourself :-)