Anna Unternahrer

How did your passion for surfing come about?

In 2011, when I was traveling solo in America for 3 months, I suddenly ended up on the couch of a 6-person surf lifeguard male flat share in Costa Mesa. At the time I had no idea about surfing but couldn't say no when the charming guys offered me to go 'surfing' with them. And although I got a big headache – as is the case when you go surfing for the first time – it somehow grabbed me. From that moment I knew I had to find a way to make surfing a part of my daily routine.

What happened next?

Ten years followed, during which I constantly commuted between abroad and Switzerland, several part-time jobs in the catering trade (flight attendant, bartender, etc.), and a bachelor's degree in German and English. After an internship and a longer stay in Australia, where I was able to surf every day for almost six months, I decided to only accept jobs that allow me to work anywhere and anytime. I started writing for mags and start-ups and then did a Masters with a focus on brand communication. Today, ten years later, I am overjoyed that I can finally decide for myself when to go where and where to stay and for how long.

What fascinates you about surfing/ why do you do it?

For me, surfing is freedom, connection to the moment and the elements, challenge and growth. Traveling the world to surf different spots, meeting like-minded people who you suddenly find yourself in a completely different place in the lineup; Leaving your comfort zone when surfing new or more challenging spots and the incredible feeling you get when you've managed to break through self-imposed limits and push yourself a little further. It's a school of life.

You only get to choose one place to surf for the rest of your life. Which place would that be and why?

I can't reveal the name here, but it would be a place that has constant waves all year round, is surrounded by stunning scenery and offers tasty flat whites and IPA's.

What or who is your biggest inspiration when it comes to surfing? (Be creative!)

All surfers: the groms who just started surfing and are already doing tricks I can only dream of; the grandmothers and grandfathers who have been surfing for years and still feel like a longboard session even at the age of 70-80; the pros who surf monster waves or have a blatant style as well as all beginners who are incredibly happy about the smallest successes. They are all inspirational in their own way, reminding us of the endless potential for growth that surfing offers - both physically and mentally.

How does it feel to be a Surfari team rider?

Great! It's really nice to be part of a crew who are as passionate about the ocean and surfing as you are and who help you get the most out of every session by providing advice and great gear.

Can one speak of a surf scene in Switzerland?


If so, are you active or passive in a club?

I write regularly for WaveupMag and the Waveupblog and am a moderator at the Swiss Surf Film Festival. ( )

What has been your biggest surfing challenge so far?

Stay fit for surfing despite long stays in Switzerland.

What is your favorite surfing adventure? Describe an anecdote from a surf trip.

A friend and I rented a van in Australia in 2019 and traveled north from Sydney. When I got to Crescent Head I called a mate I met on my last trip. He was in the mountains, but gave us directions to his self-built hut somewhere out in the bush and offered us a hot shower (solar-heated rain mass) and his bed (story here: -articles/a-night-in-crescent-head/ ). The next day he sent me the number of his local friend who I was keen to meet. Without knowing who this person was, I called the number. A short time later we were sitting across from Albert Falzon over coffee and cake, talking about surfing and our travel adventures and philosophizing about life. (Story about this: ). My friend's generosity and the naturalness with which he made his house available to us, as well as the incredibly nice conversations we were able to have with Alby, are for me exactly what makes surfing and the surfing community so unique.

Here you can find more information about Anna:

SSA surf team:


Swiss Surf Film Festival:

Waveup Mag article: