balance board


Anyone who loves board sports has probably already come across them - the balance boards. Not only is it a lot of fun, it also trains the whole body and supports the development of balance. In this category you will find a variety of different balance boards, wheels, balls and cork mats from the brands 'Costa Board', 'Mecos Board', 'Jucker Hawaii' and 'Balance Pro'

8 products

8 products

A balance board for every occasion

From beginners to professionals, there is something for everyone! Here is a brief overview of which level which wobble board is suitable for:

Beginners: It is generally advisable to initially buy a wobble board with stoppers on the sides. Since you first have to get used to the wobbly feeling, getting off the board is usually not very controlled - which is why the stoppers slow down the board so that it doesn't fly all over the room. You should also secure the room within a radius of at least two meters (not directly in front of a television or other objects that could break). At the beginning you can also stand in front of a wall or shelf and support yourself.

You can find a video for the first steps with the balance board here .

Advanced: The boards for advanced users are usually slightly curved towards the edges, meaning the board has less contact surface on the roller and is therefore more playful. First tricks are possible, such as rail grabs, 180° or 360°, shove-it's, etc.

Here's some inspiration to see what's possible.

Pro: Once you've got the roll under control, try it with a ball and you'll feel like you're starting all over again! Since the board now moves in all directions, the level of difficulty is extremely much higher. You should therefore practice your first attempts in front of a wall with supports. Here you will find a beginner's tutorial for balancing on a ball.

This is how easy it is to balance yourself through life:

Balance training is easy - the balance board can be integrated almost anywhere in everyday life! Be it cooking in front of the kitchen counter, in the home office at the standing desk or on a fun evening with friends. As you do various exercises and tricks, your muscles are trained in conjunction with a natural movement. The interaction of all muscle groups - especially the core muscles - ensures that your balance and coordination skills improve enormously. This is a fun way to get you further with surfing and snowboarding - without having to do any specific training!

Ultimately, the better your sense of balance, the better you can maintain your position on your board.

Good to know:

When you purchase a balance board from us, the cork roll is already included. You can optionally add a ball - for the Costa boards it would be the ' Sphere ', for the Balance Pro it would be a medicine ball that can be inflated to different levels of difficulty. Since they are all wooden boards, you should balance on a thin surface to protect the floor (the cork mat from Mecos Boards is suitable for this, for example). You can also use a carpet from home - but keep in mind that the fluffier the carpet, the more it slows down the roll. If the ball is a bit too tricky for you, there are balance cushions , which form a good bridge between the roller and the ball.