Support us and rate Surfari on the internet

Google review

For us, this is probably the most important platform and a good rating naturally helps us enormously. If you have a minute to give away right now, we would of course be very happy if you could leave us a good rating on Google.

Facebook like, follow

We often post current things on Facebook because that is our virtual mouthpiece to the outside world. We are happy about every "Like", shared post, comment, etc.

Actually, any form of interaction is exciting for us because we can see what is exciting for you and what is not.


The content here is often similar to that on Facebook, but sometimes there are also posts that only consist of pictures and hashtags that we only share on Instagram. Of course, it's also nice for us if you follow us on Instagram:

We also regularly hold raffles or competitions via Instagram, so it can actually be worthwhile.

Instagram follow

Word of mouth propaganda

Our most important channel probably comes at the end. Of course, nothing beats a personal recommendation. Of course we hope that we were able to help you in some way and that you were satisfied with our service. You are welcome to recommend us in such a case - whether virtually or in real life.

We always try to do our best and if something doesn't work out, please call/drop by/email etc. We are always available and are always interested in satisfactory solutions

surfari team