Pump Foil Zürich

Our Foiling Ambassador Zeno Davatz is dockstarting almost every day in Zürich, even when its freezing cold! He does not care! In this video you see him on the Limmat River in front of the famous Grossmünster, Fraumünster and St. Peter churches pumpfoiling. It was a freezing, but sunny day in January 2021. Quite tricky handling the current and changing wind conditions. Nice Job Zeno!

Zeno is using: -Indiana 120 Kite Foil Carbon Board -Indiana Dockstart/Pump Foil 1100P Complete with 75cm Mast

Video by www.marcweiler.ch

Check out his website for lessons/courses: https://pump.zuerich/

Equipment to rent/test are found here: https://surfari.ch/collections/mietboards


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